Monday, November 9, 2009
Stockholm - A new study shows that mothers who eat a large amount of vegetables during pregnancy give birth to children less likely to have diabetes type 1.
According to a study published in Sweden "diabetes in children," in its latest edition, double risk of injury to children who rarely dealt with mothers of vegetables diabetes type 1, with the least risk to the lowest for children whose mothers vegetables a day during their pregnancy.
The study by researchers Academy "Shjerienska" at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, the first of its kind, which refers to the relationship between vegetable consumption during pregnancy and the risk of subsequent diabetes type 1.
The study relied on analysis of 6 thousand children in the fifth, and found that 3 percent of them have infected the entire diabetes type 1, or have high levels of antibodies indicate a risk of infection.
Despite not knowing the real causes of diabetes type 1, there are factors believed to play a role in this, including the immunity mechanisms, environmental toxins, and genetic differences.
Source: Middle East News Agency
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