Saturday, November 7, 2009
Cairo - Dr. Magdy Badran, a member of the Egyptian Society of Allergy and Immunology Fellow, Institute of Childhood, Ain Shams University, recent research has shown that eating tomatoes reduces the risk of cancer by up to 70 per cent of its wealth of material that lycopene reduces the cancerous growth by 77 percent, where protected from cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, cervix, breast, lung as well as it reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 21 percent.
Dr.Badran add in a statement today Friday - that the substance lycopene natural anti-oxidant effect forces .. He pointed out that the process of cooking tomatoes increases the effectiveness of this article and the body's ability to absorb double that by adding corn oil, and that smoking reduces their effectiveness.
He explained that the mangoes are rich arsenal of antioxidants, which prevent the disruption of cells and destruction of tissues and helps quench the thirst of the free because they contain 80 percent water as well as it is rich in fiber which will prevent constipation and protect from cancer and high fat.
He noted that the beet juice a day reduces high blood pressure after just one hour from it, and is also anti-microbial, and immune-stimulant .. He pointed out that beet purified blood of toxins and help to build blood cells because it contains iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and prevent heart disease and hardening of the arteries and angina.