Provide you with expert international beauty Anna Magee group of the most important tips the most effective and simple at the same time collected from the most important beauty experts in order to improve all aspects of your life ..
- Sue Firth social and author of More Life-Less Stress "a better life _ less pressure."
- Andrew G Marshall therapist marriage and social relations and author of "I love you but I'm not fond of Black" I Love You But I Am Not In Love With You.
- Juliet Erickson, author of Nine Ways Of Walk Around Boulder. .
- Talane Miedaner author of Couch Your Self To Success "Derby yourself to success.
- Steve Martin Director of the Center "impact work" Influence At Work and co-author in the book "Yes, fifty mystery of the science of persuasion" Yes 50 Secrets From The Science Of The Persuasion
The advice to you is:
1 - Encountered your friends without Losing them
Use these three steps with the phrase "I feel .... when you are .... because ...." Recommended by Andrew G Marshall. And try to retain or dispose of conduct to which you refer through the issues and facts in a specific and controlled and then give the opportunity for the other person to respond or leave you and consider it.
2 - Make the other whiny and not cooperating
Juliet Erickson suggests you listen to yourself you tone your words be heard easily, if the answer is yes if you are so upset to Make accent in the modern natural and avoid militant terminology such as "should" or "must" while Andrew is supposed to exercise for a few hours a day determine the way that you think them.
3 - around the big idea to come true one step
Large schemes can be successful somewhat, but it may lead you to procrastinate and delay is recommended for Talane Miedaner forget that these plans and focus on the little things that you can achieve daily monitoring deficiencies and be aware of.
For example, if you want you can write books, write three pages without overwhelming yourself throughout the day Doing the small things may increase the memory and keep you close to achieving the goals of your efforts during the struggle to be completed quickly.
4 - Learn how to ask what want of
Says "Juliet" is the skills of discussion and debate important both for the director or spouse, or friend then think well in things that want to discuss it with others also require you to some of the things to be a clear and specific implementation.
For example, your partner would prefer a trip by car in France But you Dreams to spend two weeks do not do nothing but enjoy the sun in Greece, if what is important for you? Do you enjoy the environment would be preferred and whether the Fed?
At the same time intellectual why your husband would prefer driving a car this trip might think of tasting all types of food and drink is there a way to gathering together?
If the optimal solution is to find something to satisfy the desire of both of you.
5 - the secret behind the lack of chaos
Instead of asking questions is used by this method, which advises the Talane in the last 12 months?
Do not be fossilized heart Whenever abounded purification of chaos you have, the more new experiences and I can say with conviction that there is a link between sprawl and overweight.
According to her Dr. Pamela Beck, a specialist obesity in the United States, the lack of systematic causes excess pressure which has to do with cholesterol, which may increase the appetite which results in an increase in weight.
6 - Being able to talk and listen to others
We all know the rules of good conversation, but in order to succeed in the face of emergency situations, we should do the best things and this is what the expert advises Juliet and the best things is to listen to others very well.
Listening muscle and reduce the exercise when it will be difficult to tame as Juliet says, if your muscles must be built to listen at every opportunity you can have through interviews of business and talk to your children even with those who make you go crazy.
Listening is a favorite in the process of self-feeling things and it forces you to focus on yourself and your thoughts On the other hand to listen to others makes you get rid of feeling ashamed
7 - Maintaining a personal secrets
Talane say that not to exaggerate the motives increase the pressure and say what is good that we are all good only want to be mothers normal but I think that perfection is impossible and exaggerated.
8 - Angered but always kept Reservation
Says Talane: When you experience a problem Select an impartial manner and focus on the facts, for example, if you're in a restaurant and the waiter came to you calculated that the cold borscht just tell the waiter so without more and ask him hot soup and if not do any good being a calm and tell him what to do if you can not carried out as requested, for example, tell him you will leave the restaurant and if not find it Do that position.
9 - Encountered difficult problems
When asked some researchers from the three groups to take three ways to address difficult issues in the professional attitudes or regular and were not prepared for the results.
In this case, Steve Martin says that the group fearful, and others are interdependent, which is said to have "must do so" results were a failure.
It is strange that the second semi-coherent, which directed her saying "Please do as well as" good results were not successful but the group is used in the statement that "we" can do more because our friendship will enable us to do so or we are working together so we will be able to resolve this problem.
In fact, this is a sign that the relations of all
10 - Treatment of nerves in five minutes
Sue Firth says when you are sick nerves Try this exercise: Sit quietly and Close your eyes and intellectual in the region where you are going.
Let all your feelings to breathe and see and hear the scene where the brain can not differentiate between the real and imaginary event If you beat your anxiety of mind this holiday for five minutes.
11 - How you Calm appalled someone afflicted by distress
Mr. Andrew advised that allow people to speak to themselves, they do not want to hear what happened to you on a permanent basis and ask you in this situation is to listen to their problems no more, no tell them that everything would be fine, you do not know insider.
During they Talking appear you interest as Move your head or Repeat something they said and when they have finished talking asymptomatic assistance that you can Provided such as cooking meals or taking children for a day trip
12 - Discard the pressure in ten minutes
Says Talane only ten minutes when we are tired of the ongoing work or reading a book in detail in the morning.
So we have to get rid of the pressure that we tell ourselves that only ten minutes from the exercise of the preferred activity Stkhalsna pressure tenth of minutes is better than nothing.