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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda FazaniDistributed by CahayaBiru.com

The discovery of new causes of heart disease

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A team of Amaricans scientists Succeeded to reveal the number of triggers and causes of heart disease, which operates on the negative impact on the efficiency of the mechanism functions Acharaiien and Atherosclerosis To become human prey in a large heart disease and heart attack.The researchers maintain that these factors can be overcome in the case identified through the identification and stop the activity of several molecules responsible for attracting these causes of the negative and grave when they see that the bacteria play an important role in causing heart disease.
And hardening of the arteries, resulting in the formation of layers on the walls of the arteries Amoven of the brain, heart, and to impede the normal flow of blood necessary for them as composed of layers of fat and cholesterol deposits, which wrapped in the arterial wall causing inflammation and vulnerability to corruption and declining efficiency.
Show these layers in some cases as a result of damage to the arteries, causing heart disease and heart attacks.
The researchers explained that the cessation of activity of receptors scattered on the wall, known as partial / Tyler - 2 / present on the surface of immune system cells can increase the opportunities for the prevention of heart disease and heart attack.

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